Nail Fungus Treatment in Philadelphia

Anti-aging & Aesthetics

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Starting at $300 per session

Say Goodbye to Yellow Nails With Our State-of-the-Art Nail Care

Meeting Point Health is a leading functional medicine clinic in Philadelphia that has successfully treated many patients who suffer from nail fungus infections.

Fungal infections of the nails are very common and most often occur in the toenails, with thickened, discolored nails, that may also have changes in nail texture or distorted nail shape. Though most symptoms of this infection are cosmetic, thick and overgrown toenails can make walking or wearing shoes difficult or painful.

How can Meeting point health help my nail fungus?

Meeting Point Health can help meet your nail care needs:

– Eliminate the fungal infection to allow healthy nail regrowth

– Provide nail care treatment and aftercare instructions to prevent new infections

– Perform testing to find and treat the source of the initial infection

From medical-grade laser therapy to functional medicine, our holistic approach to medicine enables us to treat your immediate concerns and steward your health for the long term.

What are symptoms of nail fungus?

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms and suspect that you have a fungal nail infection, contact your healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. This is important, as nail fungus can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition in some cases.

The symptoms of a nail fungal infection include:

Thickening of nails

Nail discoloration, such as a white spot, brown or yellow streak

Distorted nail shape or changes in texture of nails

Brittle or weak nails

Foul odor from nails

Nail pain or tenderness

Swelling around the nail

Separation of the nail from its nail bed

Dry, itchy skin

Contact Meeting Point Health in Philadelphia today for nail fungus diagnosis and treatment with one of our expert providers.

What causes nail fungus?

There are several different causes of fungal nail infections, including:

Poor nail hygiene

Moist and warm environment

Not keeping feet clean and dry

Excessive sweating

Trauma or injury to the nail


Weak immune system

Family history of fungal nail infection

Other underlying disease processes, such as psoriasis or poorly controlled diabetes

It is important to keep in mind that not all yellow or thickened nails are caused by fungal infections and in some cases, could be a symptom of a serious underlying condition. Therefore, evaluation by a healthcare provider is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Call to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced healthcare providers and let us help determine the root cause of your symptoms and recommend a treatment plan.

What is the cause of painful, yellow nails?

There are a variety of reasons why someone might experience painful, yellow nails. Some common culprits include fungal infections, autoimmune disorders such as psoriasis, and underlying health issues such as thyroid disease or diabetes.

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, reach out to Meeting Point Health for an evaluation. We can help determine the cause of your symptoms and get you on the path to relief.

Nail Fungus Treatment Options at Meeting Point

Fungal infections of the nails are more than just a cosmetic issue – they can cause a host of additional symptoms and can harm your overall health. If left untreated, the fungal infection could cause pain, and difficulty walking, permanently damage your nails, and even spread to other areas of the body. 

The Aerolase Neo Elite is a medical laser that delivers gentle yet concentrated heat and light through the nail bed and skin to eliminate infections and stimulate the regrowth of healthy tissue. Patients can resume normal activity right after treatment, and new, healthy nails will replace the old nails in 3 to 12 months. It is important to carefully follow the aftercare instructions to prevent contracting a new infection.

At our Philadelphia location, functional medicine testing is often our first step in treating any disorder, including nail fungus. We test different body systems to get a better picture of your baseline health and help identify the root cause of your condition.

Tests we perform for fungal infections include:

AEROLASE® For Nail Fungus

Onychomycosis, or nail fungus, is an infection of the toenail in which the nail changes color, thickness and quality. In addition of causing an unhealthy appearance, it can cause pain and difficulty walking.

Laser treatment for nail fungus is safe, quick and highly effective. Most patients are able to be clear of their infection with only one or two treatments. Laser procedures for nail fungus are proven to be a much safer and effective method as compared to oral medications or topical creams. One of the key aspects of eradicating nail fungus is to achieve penetration of the laser energy into the nail bed. This area needs significant heating to ensure the fungal material is destroyed, which requires a deep-heating and powerful laser. The Aerolase Neo Elite offers patients the ideal laser for such treatment. After the treatment, patients are able to resume their daily activities as normal.

Before and after Aerolase_Meeting Point Health
Before and after aerolase_Meeting Point Health

Skin & Nail Specialists in philadelphia

Our functional medicine specialists take a holistic approach to your skin and nail health. We not only treat your fungal nail infection with topical or laser treatments but also offer fungal testing to find the root cause of the infection.

At Meeting Point Health, our skin and nail specialists take a multifaceted approach, aiming to:

Alleviate your nail fungus symptoms

Treat the infection from the source

Heal your nails and the surrounding tissues

Prevent widespread fungal infection

Begin a skin and nail care regimen to prevent recurrence of infection

Meeting Point’s nail fungal treatment protocol is comprehensive and holistic, making sure to follow up with testing to treat the underlying cause of your fungal infection to help keep it from returning.

Soul-Centered Healthcare As a Catalyst For Change

Many people suffer with undiagnosed or misdiagnosed conditions and simply don’t know what’s wrong with them or what will help.  We understand what it’s like to feel trapped in a body that is not working for you! At Meeting Point Health, we find the root cause and use a proven, integrative approach that gets results.  As highly trained pioneers in functional and regenerative medicine, we’ve helped thousands of patients take control of their health.


We’re here to answer all of your questions

At Meeting Point, we understand that every condition stems from an imbalance elsewhere in the body. We aim to find and heal that imbalance so you can live a richer, healthier life. Meeting Point’s integrative healthcare solutions can help you eliminate nail fungus and stop it from returning.

Call to schedule your initial consultation with one of our expert healthcare providers if you’re ready to experience what compassionate, holistic care can do for you.

Laser treatment for nail fungus is safe, quick, and highly effective to treat nail fungus. The treatments are quick, with little to no discomfort to the patient. All nails are treated in the affected area and you may be prescribed creams or topical medications to treat your symptoms as well. After the treatment, patients can resume their daily activities as normal, with zero downtime.

Laser treatments are very effective in clearing nail fungus infections, with only one or two treatments necessary to clear the infection. The treatment process takes only 30 minutes per session, but the results of the treatment are not immediate, as it takes anywhere from 3-12 months for the new, non-infected nail to grow.
Nail fungus treatment can have major implications on your overall health and well-being. You want to treat your fungal infection not only for cosmetic reasons but to treat your symptoms as well. If left untreated, a fungal infection may become a widespread infection, having more serious implications for your health.
No, the laser treatment itself does not hurt and should not be uncomfortable, but you may experience heat within the treated area from the laser. The vast majority of patients do not feel anything at all during their laser treatments.

Meeting Point Health does not accept insurance.

Our practitioners and staff fully understand and empathize with the challenges that patients face as they make financial decisions for proper health care. Our practice is very different from a conventional medical practice in many ways, but the time spent with each patient is usually 30-90 minutes. Visits with a physician covered by insurance generally allow for less than 10 minutes in total! Conventional medical practices that take insurance maintain brief office visits and high patient loads for this reason. We cannot provide the expert care that every one of our patients deserves under those circumstances.

Insurance also dictates the types of treatments and order of treatments patients can receive for a particular condition.

Opting out of insurance allows the patient and the doctor to maintain their medical autonomy, which is imperative to ensure you get the right treatment at the right time and the right dose.

Good news! If you have out-of-network insurance benefits, you can submit your receipts for potential reimbursement. Depending on your plan, you may receive a percentage of the cost of your visit back either as a reimbursement check in the mail from the insurance company (or an equivalent amount applied to your out-of-network deductible, if applicable). Some plans reimburse up to 80%! All you have to do is ask the front desk for an insurance receipt after your visit.

To start your journey to relief, schedule a consultation with our team. During your initial visit, we’ll assess your medical history, perform a thorough evaluation, and develop a customized treatment plan to address your specific needs. Click to schedule a free discovery call with one of our Patient Onboarding Specialists today!

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